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EC080  LIMITED EDITION CS600 Heart Rate Monitor

EC080 LIMITED EDITION CS600 Heart Rate Monitor
The new Polar CS600 cycling computer is the system thanks to professional cycling heart rate monitor their high quality and new technology, wireless sensor WIND Has new features such as large LCD screen three lines that can customize the display according to the needs of the cyclist and the inclinometer that measures the rise and fall in percentage or grades. With the Polar CS600 cycling computer you have at your fingertips the most advanced tools to plan your training smartly.

Key Features:

Wind Speed Sensor: This sensor provides speed wireless, media and current.
Limits cyclists cyclists limits can be set for heart rate, cadence or power.
Inclination: Measures up and down the slope in percentage or grades.
Cycling economy: It measures the training load in Btu / h and kcal / km.
Polar Sport Zones: Helps you train at the right intensity.
Zone Lock: The easiest way to set the target area.
RR Interval: Measures the interval between beats and reflects the autonomic nervous system in regulating the heartbeat.
Polar Own Optimizer: Training and rest in the right balance. Polar OwnOptimizerT test will reveal if you have already recovered enough to train again.
Altimetry: Shows the profile of the route (maximum height, meters ascended / descended).
Polar Pro Trainer 5: The professional training software.

Price : 344,85 €

PVP : 417,27 €

Stock : 85 
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